Nomolun Dotharl

"My soul has always burned brightly."


"The soul is our anchor to this world."

(Name): Nomolun Dotharl
(Age): 23 Years
(Gender): Female
(Race): Xaela
(Sexuality): Bisexual
(Hair and Eyes): Black, Gold
(Height and Weight): 5'3" / 160
(Worships): Nhaama
(Languages): Old Auri, Eorzean Common
(Birthplace): Nhaama Desert

"If you break its chains, you'll be lost."

(Weapons): Scythe, Spear, Fist, Tail, Pistol
(Tail): Large, Heavily Muscled
(Scales): Thick, More Than Average
(Front Scars:) Jagged Slash Under Left Breast, Two Arrow Marks On Stomach, Lightning Burn On Left Leg
(Back Scars:) A Myriad of Burns, Slashes, and Stab Marks

"Without a soul your body is just a husk."

(Personality): Nomolun is a very brash woman. She is confident and ready to challenge anything. She hates those that waste her time, and cherishes those that make it worthwhile.(Titles): The Undying Dragon, The Fierce, Spear of the Swarm


"Nourish your soul as a blazing fire. Feed it to keep darkness away and the cold from your heart."

She's lived through this before.

Being a Dotharl came with expectations. Strength, having the will to fight, loving Nhaama, and not fearing your death. Following all of those would have made you a great Dotharl. How would you live up to these expectations?Nomolun feels it in her soul. She's been both a man and a woman. A monster has killed her as often as a rivalling tribe. Some of the ends she met were her own fault. She's lived through all of these things and many more, but the one constant is that she fights to the end. If she loses her weapon, she'll use her teeth and claws, if she loses those, she'll use her bones. If that isn't enough, her very life will suffice. For she does not fear death. She has already died many times after all.

There's something inbetween any beginning and its end.

Nomolun knows that a good death comes after a great life. The dead can't be reborn if there's no one left. She takes great pains to ensure her tribe's future. All of her actions have some sort of purpose. Even if it's just making connections, or searching foreign lands for techniques to take back home.That doesn't mean she isn't without her own joys though. She loves women, strong men, bokh, contests, alcohol, and good food.She feels she has to use her time well. This means that she has little patience for fools, those that start trouble for no reason, and old grudges. You'll find yourself alone or dead if you prove you're a waste of time.

You can't escape Fate if you look for it

What does it mean to have one soul over many lives? Are there things you're always attracted to? Do you keep your habits? Would you be stuck to the same life in a different body?It's tough to tell if having the same soul influences any of these. Many think it do, just as many think it doesn't. The stories told of past lives though, influence the most. It seems everyone wants to live up to their old selves.Nomolun in particular feels she must. This puts pressure on her to not only do the best she can, but exceed the expectations of others. Even in her romances, she seeks familiar souls from her past since they should already be compatible. Even if the stories admit that this has always ended in some tragedy for her.

About the Author

"If the fire inside of you dies, you'll be numb to life."

Thank you for taking the time to read my carrd!

(Some things worth noting):
> I only interact with 18+!
> Nomolun's views do not reflect my own.> Do not bring in character arguments OOC.> If I make you uncomfortable, please discuss it with me.

Feel free to add me on discord to just have a friendly discussion. If we can't find a time in game that works, I'm always up for Discord RP!Discord: nomo#0666Looking for a Xaela or Steppe related server?

Notable Relationships

"If you feed another's soul they might do the same. Your flames could lick the sky."

Moon Girlfriend

(Nokhoi Kagon)

"My love, my moon who darkens my steps. "

(Shuuna Dhoro)

"My lamb who went back to her flock. She was too good to stay."

(Oelun Qestir)

"She's quiet, strong, and has a good heart. The only thing she needs is a little push."

Moon Girlfriend

(Mumei Akashita

"My most dependable friend.
Extraordinarily skilled and hides it from prying eyes."

Moon Girlfriend

(Sachiko Malaguld

"Once a Doman who has reforged herself in our lands into a dependable sister."

(Sa'ran Hotgo)

"A Hotgo who doesn't let our past cloud our present. Near and dear to my heart."

(Nhaji Dotharl)

"A sister who might have made the right choice."

(Khatun Khatayin)

"A sister who now sits high above and judges us below."

(Matilla Bairon)

"A sister of the desert who has left for her happiness."

(Uruk Oronir) | ❤❤

"Tall, and doesn't listen. He's an Oronir through and through, but when he keeps his mouth shut he's tolerable."